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Our School Expectations

Celebrating Success

At Hayfield Cross Church of England School, we pride ourselves on our children’s excellent behaviour and are very proud of all of our children.

We actively promote good behaviour by giving children who behave well a high profile in school.   We consistently recognise children who have a good attitude to learning and behaviour and they are rewarded, publicised and used as a model for others to follow (please see the celebrating success section in the behaviour policy). Every Friday we have a celebration assembly which is vital part of our school week in joining together and celebrating the children's achievements.  Parents are invited to join us via text so they can see their child walk down the red carpet and receive their awards.

There are times when children do not make wise choices about their learning or conduct which we address through our behaviour system which is detailed in our ‘Behaviour Policy’ (in the side bar of this page).  This is designed to support children to learn from their mistakes and improve themselves by making better choices in the future.

School Houses

In Key Stage 2 the children no longer collect individual Hero Points but instead earn them for their House Team.  We have four houses all named after Great British Olympians who we hope will inspire the children to be strong and brave and persevere in growing their talents and interests.  The Houses are:

  • Hoy
  • Simmonds
  • Adams
  • Whitlock